The NSF-EECS Student Attendance Award is established to recognize domestic U.S. students who have a strong academic background (GPA > 3.5) that intend to attend the IEEE BioCAS 2015 Conference. The Attendance Award is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, we offer them great appreciation for their support and generosity.
Eligibility criteria: Funds from this award will cover or assist with the attendance expenses for three categories of students and post-docs from domestic US institutions:
- Senior undergraduate or junior graduate students who are not yet at the stage to have their own papers at the conference, however, they have demonstrated a strong academic background (GPA > 3.5) and have two strong letters of recommendation
- Senior graduate students who have accepted papers at the conference with strong reviewer scores and a strong letter of recommendation from their advisor
- Post-doctoral fellows who have accepted papers at the conference with strong reviewer scores, but do not have any other source of funding to support their travel or registration
Amount of Award: The Attendance Award will be used to fund the following expenses:
- The award will cover recipient's expenses associated with BioCAS’15 conference attendance. These expenses may include, but are not limited to - registration, transportation, and hotel accommodation.
Designation and Intent of the Award: The intent for the fund is to recognize students who have exhibited interest in biomedical circuits and systems as well as life science systems and to allow attendance at the IEEE BioCAS 2015 conference.
Eligibility and Selection: Any domestic senior undergraduate student, graduate student, or post-doc having a paper (oral or poster) or demonstration accepted at the BioCAS 2015 conference or a high GPA (GPA > 3.5) along with two strong letters of support.
How to Apply: Use the following application and submit to Conference Manager, Judy Scharmann at , along with a copy of current student ID, and two letters of reference.
Schedule: Deadline for applications: August 31, with notification by September 15.
Presentation/Recipient Notification: Recipients will be notified just after the Author Notification for the conference, and presentation of the award will be made in the form of a check at the Awards Ceremony at the BioCAS 2015 conference, while acknowledging the NSF-ECCS for providing the funds.
Acknowledgement: The IEEE BioCAS organizers would like to thank the National Science Foundation (NSF) division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) for providing this generous travel support.